From exotic vacations to planning grand wedding. From consolidating credit cards to managing medical emergencies. Personal Loan caters to all your personal needs of the cash. With minimal documents you are just ready to go.
Quality of this Product:
This is a Unsecured cash loan with no security/collateral/guarantor required.
It can be used for any personal purposes except speculative and illegal purposes.
Eligibility is being calculated basis your current income and obligation levels and your Employer’s category and of course your credit history.
Loan amount ranges from 1 lacs to 50 lacs
Rate of interest starting 11% p.a. and minimal processing fees.
Minimal Foreclosure charge
Flexible loan tenures available from 1-5 years
A simple EMI based loan
You can avail this facility within 3-5 working days from all leading Banks and NBFC’s subject to availability of complete documents.